Posts by andrea.macchia

Stage: communication in YOCOCU

The internship aims to provide the participant with an opportunity to apply his or her ideas and skills in defining...

Analytical study, degradation, and restoration of polychrome glass: three glasses from the late medieval necropolis of Castel Trosino (AP)

June 19, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Webinar organized by YOCOCU in collaboration with the Museum of Civilizations (MuCiv),...

Innovative technologies for the cleaning and protection from biodeteriogens colonization on Cultural Heritage materials

YOCOCU carries out research activities on new sustainable technologies for the cleaning and protection of artworks showing biodegradation! In the...

Il diagnosta dei beni culturali tra realtà e illusione

28 Maggio 2020 Ore 15 – Piattaforma Zoom L’evento, organizzato da YOCOCU – YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage, è...

Progetto Exp

E x P Il progetto ExP, Explicit Partners, promosso da YOCOCU, in collaborazione con M.U.Ro, E-Lex intende comprendere l’effettiva necessità...

Assemblea Generale YOCOCU APS

Buongiorno, volete orientare le attività YOCOCU? Basta semplicemente essere Soci e partecipare all’Assemblea Generale del prossimo 23 Aprile ore 17:30, che sarà...

Pillole dal settore: quattro chiacchere sulla conservazione dei Beni Culturali

Considerata la particolare situazione di questi giorni, YOCOCU intende sviluppare dei momenti di discussione on line su alcuni aspetti legati...

YOCOCU 2020, Tbilisi 3-7 November 2020

Dear Colleagues, we have the pleasure to invite you to 7th edition of YOCOCU conference in Tbilisi from 3 to...


The world is facing unprecedented social, environmental and economic challenges that will require policymakers, business, scientists and citizens to open...

EnviRISK Heritage 2021 – Abstract Submission

EnviRISK Heritage 2021 – Abstract Submission