TeACH – TalK About Cultural Heritage

What is it?

TEACH is a project of scientific divulgation based short videos – 10 minutes interviews, tutorials and updates – where professionals and students talk about ideas, describe methods and products and report news in the field of cultural heritage.

The aim is to contribute to the divulgation of the knowledge about cultural heritage conservation through communications and practical demonstrations.

Who does it speak to?

The project speaks to everyone has interest in cultural heritage conservation, wants to actively contribute to it and has the ability to think critically. Each topic will be analysed and explained in details and the message will be be specific even if the language will be easily understandable by everyone.

Where does it come from?

TEACH comes from the necessity to fill a series of gaps in the field of cultural heritage conservation:

  • to get in line with the latest news coming from inside and outside the industry;
  • to improve the communication and the collaboration between experts;
  • to answer to the students and young researchers’ desire to be actively involved in the development and improvement of the sector;
  • to engage the general public in order to promote the figure of the cultural heritage conservators.

How does it work?

If you want to take part you can send us a video or record an interview in English or in your language using Google hangout. For more information and instruction please send an email to yococu.yococu@gmail.com. The videos will be uploaded on the Yococu website www.yococu.com starting from February 2018.

Every year, the most voted video will be awarded a prize of 500 €.

Submit Your Proposal

All proposals must be submitted via email using  info@yococu.com. Deadline: December 21, 2017. We will evaluate your proposal carefully and notify you of its final status by February 15, 2018





Download the TeACH leaflet: *.pdf