3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage YOCOCU 2012

June 18-20, 2012
University of Antwerpen, Hof van Liere Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerpen, BE

International Meeting organised by: Italian Association of Conservation Scientists 

The aims of YOCOCU (YOuth for the COnservation of CUltural heritage) are:

1. to stimulate exchange of advanced knowledge in the field of Cultural Heritage
2. to promote integration of expertise, products, technology and policy involved in the study and conservation of Cultural Heritage

3. to foster exchange of ideas and experiences among young researchers, academics, authorities and practicing conservators.

As for the past editions, YOCOCU focuses on the possibility to give voice to young professionals in order to share experiences, studies and new researches and to develop the policy and strategy to play an active role in the cultural heritage conservation field. This edition intends to foster a strong exchange among participants, young and expert professionals, so to realize a community that shares information, ideas, projects and promotes itself and the preservation of cultural heritage.
The YOCOCU 2012 topics:
1.Metals | 2. Stones |3. Glass | 4. Ceramics |5. Pigments |6. Paintings |7. Cultural and Educational Experiences | 8.Organic materials |9. Textiles

Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 22 February 2012

For futher information contact info@yococu.comsecretary.iacs@gmail.com