Our last activities

YOCOCU: 10 years of research and innovation in cultural heritage

Using HLD for Smart Surfactant Formulations
Webinar (online event): 17-01-2025. Time: 3 PM (Italian time) Discover how HLD transforms surfactant formulations, offering a rational approach for new bio-based systems and innovative

Sustainable Apolar Gels for Cleaning Polychrome Artefacts and Metals from Apolar Substances
Workshop Hosted by YOCOCU APS at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and the Restoration School of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples

Our Mission
YOCOCU APS promotes the analysis and conservation of Cultrual Heritage in all its forms. When appropriate, it answers challenging questions through its diagnostic and consulting services. YOCOCU APS operates through the development of innovative and tailored solutions, promoting more sustainable practices towards the conservation of Cultural Heritage.
It encourages the exchange and sharing of experiences and expertise among specialists in the field, also involving young professionals through its multifaceted activity. YOCOCU APS promotes the diffusion of up-to-date approaches to Cultural Heritage Conservation according to national and international trends.
Through the organization of events and educational activities, YOCOCU is committed to the development and promotion of science for children and students: the goal is to raise awareness among young people on issues related to the preservation of Cultural Heritage.
Main YOCOCU Activities

YOCOCU APS is evolved in multiple wide-ranging research projects concerning all the scientifical, technical, and humanistic disciplines applied to Cultural Heritage.

Green Conservation
Since its foundation, YOCOCU APS works on the development and application of new and more sustainable products, methods, and approaches for the preservation of the environment and human health.

Communication and dissemination
YOCOCU APS promotes communication among professionals working in the field of Cultural Heritage through seminars and conferences on projects and initiatives developed by the organization.

The view of the Colosseum, the colors of a distant land. These are the details that reveal our history.
In 2008 in Rome, a group of young professionals in the field of science applied to Cultural Heritage decided to create a network: YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage, know as YOCOCU. The name fluctuates between cacophonic and playful sounds, bordering on Dadaism, which hides a revolution in the role and way of seeing Cultural Heritage as a unique entity in all the cultures conveyed.

Andea Macchia
Conservation Scientist with a PhD in Science applied to the protection of the Enrvironment and to the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Founder of YOCOCU APS.

Fernanda Prestileo
Fernanda Prestileo, conservation scientist, PhD in Environmental Sciences, currently works as researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), Italian National Research Council.

Lisa Maria Schuberthan
Restorer of technical objects, metals, and polymeric materials at the Museum for Communication in Frankfurt. Interested in preventive conservation and risk management for museums and collections.

Fiammetta Susanna
PhD in Archaeology in the Meditearrean Area. Collaborator at the CNR (Institute for historical studies of Mediterranean Area) focusing on both scientifical research and communication.

Paola Moretti
Conservation Scientist and restoration technician of Cultural Heritage, specialized in easel and mural paintings and wooden sculptures.
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