FT-IR spectroscopy applied to Cultural Heritage

May 27, 2021 11 am – 1 pm | Zoom platform


Scientific principles, potential (and limits), instrumentation and its evolution, acquisition and interpretation of spectra


Relatore Affiliazione Intervento
Barbara Bravo Thermo Scientific State of the art of FTIR instrumentation and future developments.
Rocco Mazzeo Università di Bologna Advanced infrared spectroscopic methods for the analysis of heritage materials.
Luigi Ciani, Andrea Macchia Thermo Scientific YOCOCUStreaming applications of the FTIR – ATR at the YOCOCU Laboratory


Language: Italian


Free event. To participate, registration through the YOCOCU web site is required by May 25th. at the address: https://www.yococu.com/news/registrazione-eventi-yococu/