Sustanaible Restoration 2.0 | Workshop presentations ( Videos)

Street Art Conservation Program

The Program, by YOCOCU and M.U.Ro. Museo di Urban Art of Rome,  is focused to carry out methods and materials to apply...

Rome: Alternative itineraries to visit

Rome: Alternative itineraries to visit

YOCOCU in agreement with “Gatti del Foro” and “Andiamo a Teatro” Associations, is carrying out a new type of tourism...

Conservation, Restoration and Management of Archaeological Sites

Course Description and Methodology The course “Conservation, Restoration and Management of Archaeological Sites”  adopts a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach and...

Corso: Tecniche Fotografiche

Il corso “Tecniche fotografiche per restauratori e archeologici” organizzato da YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage) e O.C.S.A. (Osservatorio...

International Workshop: Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage

International Workshop: Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage

International Workshop “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage” October 27 th -28th, 2015 Aim:  Conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage assets...



To improve and update the skills of students and professionals in the field of cultural heritage according to new national...