YOCOCU al Salone del Restauro di Firenze

Premio alla memoria di Luciana Drago

Premio alla Memoria di Maurizio Marabelli

Activities for students and for kids

Students need to have fun with learning to stay motivated. YOCOCU’s Science laboratories help students of all ages understand important...

Activities for students and kids

Activities for students and kids

Students need to have fun with learning to stay motivated. YOCOCU’s Science laboratories help students of all ages understand important...


Featured Events

TeACH – TalK About Cultural Heritage

What is it? TEACH is a project of scientific divulgation based short videos – 10 minutes interviews, tutorials and updates...


1 Aprile 2017 Impianto Tre Fontane Pattinaggio Via delle Tre Fontane n.1 Roma I laboratori interattivi che hanno reso celebre...

START – Street ART: tutela, valorizzazione e restauro

2 febbraio 2017 Aula Levi – Ex Vetrerie Sciarra |Università di Roma La Sapienza, Via dei Volsci 122, piano terra...

SLUMM: San Lorenzo Urban Memory Museum